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Exploration Into Graphics and environmental design

This Project was my final major collaborative work at UTS done with one other peer. this was a research project where we set out to learn more about utilising the graphical tools in UE4 and develop our skills in environmental design, the project had light gameplay mechanics with a heavier focus on the graphical fidelity. This feature is only showing off the work I have done in regards to the environmental design for this project.

This project was comprised of two main landscapes, the natural forest/cliff environments and the Urban Industrial alleyways and trainyard, I was in charge of making the forest and natural landscapes for this project, Assets were sourced from Quixel Mega scans allowing us to utilise assets with a high level of detail and allowing us to streamline our workflow and focus more on the environmental composition over modelling assets with the limited timeframe we had available for this project 

Video Walkthrough



Area 1
(Forest Tutorial)

This area was designed to be a heavily forested are made to guide the player and tutorialise the movement mechanics. The goal for the feeling of this environment was to have mysterious/mystical feeling allowing me to experiment with the Niagara Particle system.


Area 2
(Cliffside Platforming)

This area was designed to increase the stakes from the tutorial. Testing the players to navigate platforming in a riskier environment. The transition to a cliffside environment allowed me to play around with blending assets for a smooth transition. It was an interesting lesson on how far you can push using limited assets.


Area 3
(Lookout and Cave Transition)

We wanted this area to showcase the scale of what we have created as we move from a natural to urban environment. Slowly stripping back the greenery for shear rock, we composed a lookout point as the player approaches to tease the urban environment to come. 


This was very interesting to compose and time with how we were loading the environments. The Cave then leads down to an abandoned building and the urban environment my team member designed.

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